Adrienn Gulyás

Adrienn Gulyás

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 24 (2020)
p. 167-175
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2020.1.13

Traduire la transgression verbale

Adrienn Gulyás

The article focuses on the translation of verbal transgression, the problems it raises for the translator and strategies that can be used to solve them. Since verbal transgression is intricately linked to its immediate social context, it is extremely hard to transpose to another cultural and linguistic environment. On the other hand, the presence of verbal violence in a literary text is a very strong marker, both stylistically and dramaturgically, so it cannot be ignored in translation. Examples to illustrate the translator’s dilemmas are taken from Morgan Sportès’ social documentary novel, Tout, tout de suite (2011) and its Hungarian translation by Ildikó Lőrinszky (2014).


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Adrienn Gulyás : Traduire la transgression verbale