Adrienn Gulyás

Adrienn Gulyás

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 27 (2023)
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2023.1.14

« Ni l’un ni l’autre, je suis » : métissage identitaire et linguistique dans l’art de Stromae

Adrienn Gulyás

This essay explores the concept of métissage / mixity in the work of Belgian singer/songwriter Stromae, and more specifically, in his song titled „Bâtard” [Bastard]. The message of the song which appeared on the album Racine carrée [Square root] is interpreted here as the manifesto of an emerging intellectual consciousness, that of the bâtard, refusing to conceive reality as a set of dualistic oppositions. Advocating the image of a kaleidoscopic self, the bastard is proud to be „neither the one, nor the other”. The article investigates how this idea takes form in the lyrics, the music and the interplay of the two.

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Adrienn Gulyás : « Ni l’un ni l’autre, je suis » : métissage identitaire et linguistique dans l’art de Stromae