Aya Umezawa

Aya Umezawa

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 27 (2023)
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2023.1.06

L’argot chez Lacenaire. L’identité tiraillée

Aya Umezawa

Lacenaire's knowledge of slang enabled him to pretend to be a criminal and protected him from harassment in prison (feigned identity). Yet, in the court, he distinguished himself from other criminals with his eloquent language (accentuated original identity). However, the bourgeoisie to which he had belonged was less interested in a societal dropout than in an elite criminal who knew how to speak standard French. Within this complex context, Lacenaire presented a poem in two versions: one in slang and the other translated into French "for illiterate people" (torn identity).

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Aya Umezawa : L’argot chez Lacenaire. L’identité tiraillée