Fanni Filyó

Fanni Filyó

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 27 (2023)
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2023.1.15

Construction de l’ethos discursif sur YouTube : le rôle des variétés de langue non standard

Fanni Filyó

In this article, we aim to examine the use of informal language with regard to the most popular French youtubers’ identity construction. Additionally, we will also study anglicisms and the use of gaming jargon. We are interested in whether the linguistic code serves as a tool for identity construction beyond its usual context of use or if it is the context that primarily determines the choice of vocabulary. In short, this research seeks to study non-standard varieties based on their primarily discursive and identity-related function(s).

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Fanni Filyó : Construction de l’ethos discursif sur YouTube : le rôle des variétés de langue non standard