Gaspard Evette

Gaspard Evette

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 25 (2021)
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2021.1.02

L’argot dans les chansons de Bruant : enjeux politiques et esthétiques

Gaspard Evette

The use of slang in Aristide Bruant’s songs contributed to his reputation as a singer interested in the life of the urban lower classes, and the defence of their interest. However, the main function of slang is to offer a picturesque representation of the Parisian underworld for an upper-class public. The argotic lexicon is subsequently most of the time explained by the context, and restricted to a few recurrent themes: criminality, prostitution, violence, alcohol. It helps the songwriter to build a cliché representation of the underworld. Close readings of selected songs seem to suggest that Bruant uses slang so as to emphasize the otherness of his characters, but also their linguistic and social inferiority compared to the public.

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Gaspard Evette : L’argot dans les chansons de Bruant : enjeux politiques et esthétiques