Giulio Sanseverino
Revue d’Études Françaises
No 24 (2020)
p. 23-33
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2020.1.02
Les difficultés d’accès au fief linguistique : la traduction italienne du parler « caillera » dans Fief de David Lopez
Giulio Sanseverino
The article aims to discuss some of the strategies and methods employed to tackle the translation into Italian of the “parlers des jeunes urbains” in Fief by David Lopez. First, the reader is presented with a brief illustration of the language features of the source text and with some implications over identity reflection in the novel. The second part is devoted to the description of the solutions that have been adopted to overcome the difficulties arising from the systemic divergence between the sociolinguistic traits of the two varieties, with special regard to the use of regionalisms and compensation.
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Giulio Sanseverino : Les difficultés d’accès au fief linguistique : la traduction italienne du parler « caillera » dans Fief de David Lopez |