Gueorgui Armianov

Gueorgui Armianov

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 25 (2021)
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2021.1.05

L’argot et le langage familier dans la chanson contemporaine bulgare

Gueorgui Armianov

This article paints a detailed picture of the history and contemporary state of popular songs in Bulgaria, from the beginning of the XXth century to the present day. Several types of modern music and their lyrics are examined: city songs, pop and rock songs since the 1960s, as well as hip-hop and pop folk songs from the last several decades. Examples of various non-standard language forms, collected from publications, Internet videos and during concerts are analysed. The grammatical, lexical, semantic and stylistic characteristics of this specific type of non-traditional literature are compared to the standard language. The study describes the growing influence of slang and colloquial language on the language practice of Bulgarians.

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Gueorgui Armianov : L’argot et le langage familier dans la chanson contemporaine bulgare