Hugues Galli

Hugues Galli

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 27 (2023)
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2023.1.07

Le javanais de Victor Noir : un argot politique ?

Hugues Galli

This text aims to introduce the newspaper La Gazette de Java, notable for its distinctive feature of being entirely written in Javanese. A rare and almost forgotten piece, the origins of the newspaper, the content of its articles, the name of its collaborators and their projects remain to be discovered. Far from being a « silliness » (Sainéan, 1920: 434), La Gazette de Java turns out to be a satirical newspaper, filled with humor, which may have seemed very ruthless during its era.

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Hugues Galli : Le javanais de Victor Noir : un argot politique ?