Jean-Pierre Goudaillier

Jean-Pierre Goudaillier

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 27 (2023)
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2023.1.01

La langue facteur d’identité : le cas des quartiers populaires, zones de relégation, en France

Jean-Pierre Goudaillier

In various places of relegation that exist in France, whether in the suburbs or in overseas territories, the role of language practices based on French or other languages as factors constituting speakers’ identity or various identities (spatial, sociological, socio-economic, cultural, etc.) has to be taken into consideration in order to understand how these identities emerge. In the case of suburbs, language behaviours based on the so-called Français Contemporain des Cités (FCC) and vernaculars related to immigration have to be considered as genuine acts of identity, as confirmed by the following statement: "....young people identify with this mode of expression... it’s something that’s very much their own, they find themselves in it", Ali Ibrahima of Groupe B-Vice, talking about the language spoken by young people of La Savine, a district to the north of Marseille (Canal+ ("La Grande Famille" programme), 24 January 1996). This is just one example of the use of language to assert identity.

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Jean-Pierre Goudaillier : La langue facteur d’identité : le cas des quartiers populaires, zones de relégation, en France