Máté Kovács

Máté Kovács

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 24 (2020)
p. 191-200
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2020.1.15

Comment traduire en hongrois l’underground parisien ? Réflexions traductologiques autour de Paname Underground de Zarca

Máté Kovács

This article aims at analyzing the major problems a potential translator would face when translating into Hungarian Johann Zarca’s Paname Underground. After a short overview of the relation between translation, literature and slang, our study concentrates on pinpointing various difficulties that can emerge during the translation of the novel such as the presence of various non-standard language varieties, specific semantic fields and urban slang toponyms as well as some other non-standard linguistic elements (interjections and insults).


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Máté Kovács : Comment traduire en hongrois l’underground parisien ? Réflexions traductologiques autour de Paname Underground de Zarca