Máté Kovács

Máté Kovács

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 25 (2021)
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2021.1.06

« Je viens de là où le langage est en permanente évolution » Langue et identité chez Grand Corps Malade

Máté Kovács

The slam, originally known as an open stage for the reading of poems, is increasingly used, particularly in a French-speaking context, to refer to urban poetry accompanied by music. If this artistic current, like rap, is closely linked to street culture, it is not surprising to find that the lyrics of the songs contain a number of non-standard words and expressions, which fill an identity function specific to sociological slang. This article aims at analyzing a corpus composed of six songs by Grand Corps Malade, which were taken from six different albums published between 2006 and 2018. Our objective is above all to examine the presence and use of nonstandard words and expressions in the lyrics and, through this, to understand how these unconventional linguistic varieties contribute to the identity construction of the speaking subject. 

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Máté Kovács : « Je viens de là où le langage est en permanente évolution » Langue et identité chez Grand Corps Malade