Olga Stepanova Desfeux

Olga Stepanova Desfeux

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 27 (2023)
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2023.1.09

Le style individuel de Rachid Djaïdani : construction d’une identité linguistique et littéraire en situation interculturelle

Olga Stepanova Desfeux

The interethnic language spoken in the suburbs, where slang, common French, verlan (a form of French slang that involves inverting syllables in words), terms borrowed from Maghrebi Arabic, and Anglo-American slang intersect, contributes to the affirmation of a plural identity (cultural, social, spatial). This blended speech is disseminated beyond the suburbs through literature, where it becomes a distinctive feature of the style of writers from immigrant backgrounds. In search of a literary identity, Rachid Djaïdani employs a hybrid language, mixing various codes, working on sound, rhythm, infusing poetry into prose.

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Olga Stepanova Desfeux : Le style individuel de Rachid Djaïdani : construction d’une identité linguistique et littéraire en situation interculturelle