Olga Stepanova

Olga Stepanova

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 25 (2021)
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2021.1.13

Rappeurs et écrivains : deux univers qui se croisent

Olga Stepanova

The article aims to analyze the intersections of rap songs and literary texts written by Soprano, author of an autobiographical story, and Disiz, author of fiction novels. Their hybrid practices are interpreted as a new way of artistic expression pushing art boundaries. The influence of literature on rap is manifested through direct or indirect references to the writers who inspired the rappers and literary devices used to produce a particular stylistic effect. Rap artists add musicality to their literary writings, create an original rhythmic structure. Slang words, that are more common to spoken usage, bring literary texts closer to orality, give them a flavour of transgression.

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Olga Stepanova : Rappeurs et écrivains : deux univers qui se croisent