Sabine Bastian, Marie Mouton

Sabine Bastian, Marie Mouton

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 27 (2023)
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2023.1.04

La construction de l’identité chez les jeunes Provençaux : le cas du pays de Fayence

Sabine Bastian, Marie Mouton

Provençal, like many other languages and dialects in the world today, is threatened with extinction. Although French identity gradually spread to Provence, it has not become omnipresent among Provençal people, who still feel a strong Provençal identity today (Blanchet, 2020). The aim of this study is to take stock of the identity awareness of Provençal adults and young people in the six hilltop villages of the Pays de Fayence. The research is based on the results of questionnaires distributed to 96 adults and 234 pupils, focusing in particular on questions of identity and the use of Provençal words.

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Sabine Bastian, Marie Mouton : La construction de l’identité chez les jeunes Provençaux : le cas du pays de Fayence