Sára Horváthy

Sára Horváthy

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 26 (2022)
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2022.1.05

Être ou ne pas être Hongrois dans l’immigration française

Sára Horváthy

Emigration is a well-studied social phenomenon but it has not have been thoroughly studied from a linguisitic perpective. 150.000 Hungarians live in France nowadays. We have interviewed some of them in order to know what kind of relationship they maintain with their mother tongue. Are they proud of their strong accent or do they try to hide it? Do they strive to transmit the ancestral language or do they renounce doing so? How long do they cling to the Hungarian heritage before forgetting it forever?
The 19 persons who replied to our survey had different personal experiences, ideas and perceptions of their "Hungarianness" abroad. Aware of their alterity, in which the mother tongue plays a central role, they all have a different answer to the following question: "To be or not to be Hungarian in France?".

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Sára Horváthy : Être ou ne pas être Hongrois dans l’immigration française