Stéphane Hardy

Stéphane Hardy

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 24 (2020)
p. 9-22
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2020.1.01

Le registre familier et les éléments non conventionnels et argotiques dans Tschick de Wolfgang Herrndorf et sa traduction française

Stéphane Hardy

This article examines the colloquial register and the non-conventional and slang terms used in the teen novel “Tschick” (2010) written by W. Herrndorf and their equivalents found in the French translation “Good Bye Berlin” (2012). We will attempt to establish a comparison between the original text and its translation, with respect to the stylistic marks of orality made by certain orthographic, morphologic, syntactic and lexical choices that determine the register in “Tschick”. Indeed, the use of the colloquial register varies considerably from one language to another. Based on concrete examples, we will analyze the fidelity of the translation to the original and examine which features are exploited by the translation. To do this, we will focus more specifically on the choice of non-conventional equivalents in order to pinpoint that, overall, the target text makes much more flexible use of colloquial terms to translate originally neutral elements of the German text.


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Stéphane Hardy : Le registre familier et les éléments non conventionnels et argotiques dans Tschick de Wolfgang Herrndorf et sa traduction française