Krisztina Horváth

Krisztina Horváth

Revue d’Études Françaises
No 24 (2020)
p. 177-189
DOI : 10.37587/ref.2020.1.14

Traces de l’autotraduction et fonction poétique. Le cas des écrivains franco-hongrois

Krisztina Horváth

The impossibility of a perfect (absolute) translation and the recognition that any approximate translation equivalence of a literary text can only be achieved through a complex process of addition and subtraction should not occult the peculiar difficulties involved in the translation of non-standard texts. A literary text may be in itself regarded as non-standard, and this defamiliarization has already been studied extensively. The paper examines the cases of two bilingual (French and Hungarian) authors of different backgrounds, focusing on the traces of autotranslation in Le Grand Cahier by Agota Kristof and its Hungarian translation, and Double nationalité by Nina Yargekov, a text whose true translation is perhaps downright impossible.


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Krisztina Horváth : Traces de l’autotraduction et fonction poétique. Le cas des écrivains franco-hongrois